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Showing posts from November 21, 2010


Here is a book on Backlink you might be interested in. Backlink Guru : The Official Webmaster's Guide To Unlimited Backlinks! This might help you if you are trying to get into the Kindle Video Book

Twitter, Myspace, Facebook

Quick get yourself a Twitter account and Facebook account.  At this point myspace is not that critical unless you are a musician/artist/actor. Twitter, as you know is a way to communicate with others instantly.  Create an account at  Spend time each day visiting other twitter sites and request to be added to their page and in turn they will  more than likely return the favor.  This will build your popularity with Twitter.  Try to connect with others who have similar interest as yourself.   In addition you will spend time on twitter; twittering about your blog, your opportunities, and other revelent content.  The point is to help build your brand and expand your presence on the internet.  Facebook was currently said to have enough members to equal a small country.  Make it a point of going to and set up a profile.  Continue to build your brand and make your presense known.  Remember, when you ve...