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Showing posts from June 12, 2011

Why Blog?

I think we all blog for different reasons.  Some blog to share information about their journey, whether its business or personal.  Others blog to get people to focus on their business and products.  I am listening to this webinar right now and the speaker is explaining that blogging should be about helping people first and foremost.  And by helping others solve their problems and needs is the most promising way to help yourself build your business.  Remember you do not have to be an expert, you just need the will and passion to continue and show that you are putting yourself out there.  It will require some effort on your part.  There are no free rides, unless you have a rich uncle and they died and they left you a lot of money.  Or the lottery.  We all play but only a small percentage of us will win.  Building a business requires some discipline and dedication.  I am guilty of waning, I go off and focus on other things, well ot...