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Showing posts from July 10, 2011


I was on yahoo today and I just decided to click on this picture link regarding unemployment. As I write this  I am just filled with sadness in regards to the people who are suffering.  I mean really suffering. I complain about all kinds of things, which may be normal.  But what do I have to complain about. I am not employed either, but I chose to build a business on my own without someone giving me something.  Hard decision to make but I had to make it and it has served me for the last 10yrs. Now with that said, I read those stories about someone mixing oatmeal with all their meals so they can extend their food options. A guy who thought about killing himself (he lost his 6figure a yr job)  and he is just paralized with grief and fear, so he stares out the window, stares at his computer, and has no social life to speak of. Statements I copied from the article: "I hide my emotions, but deep down I feel I am dying off" "I am scared to death...