You should be motivated at this point to actually start something. You have decided to submerge yourself into some information from a book or a guru or somewhere and hopefully you have your game face on. Begin with: Finding out what business you are in! Are you a network marketer! Affiliate junky! Services or Product person! For the beginner I suggest focus on one area, master it, then create new interests or sites. Let us the example of a network marketer. I am a networker, so we can use me. I have a networking business that I want to make money residual income from - lots of it. My network marketing company already has a website for me. I send people to my self replicated site and they get some information and they can either call me for more info or - some sites have an auto responder attached to it. (Auto responder: is a box for you to enter your name, number, email.) Then I can contact the potential client or independent consultants when I am read...
To share information on making money online with or without a budget by using a blog site or website and all the tools available from the internet!