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Infinity Downline Program

Infinity Downline is a great work at home program that I am involved in.  

What I like about it is this.  Low costs to start of $25 and only $25 subscription rate per month.  It is affordable even if you have to limit your visits to starbucks. 
It is free to register.  That will give the opportunity to see whats inside the program.

There is a 2 up system built into the program.  The first person you enroll in the program sends you $25 and that has you breaking even.  Then the 2nd and 4th enrollee gets rolled up to your sponsor. 
So you get the 1st enrollee and the 3rd enrollee and every single enrollee after that.  What this does is it creates consistent monthly residual income into your paypal account (or alertpay etc).  If every new subscriber has to send their 2nd and 4th person to you this will be additional income for you.

Watch this video

This video gets to the point! That is why I like it.

Then go to:

Finally take the tour

At the end of the tour it will ask you to join.  Bypass that part, unless you plan to join with Joe Shmoo.

Come back to my blog.  Continue your research or if you do choose to join Infinity Downline
Go to: My Online Business - Infinity Downline at

I will get you started down the right path.

In addition for the month of January 2011 as people come into my business this month. I will be refunding you back $20 of the $25 you spend to start. As a be-lated holiday gift.


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