Squidoo is an online arena for people like you and I who want to establish another way to market are selves. I would say it is a combination of a blog and a website mixed together. It is free to join and maintain. You can make money with Squidoo by adding links to your other opportunities. Remember backlinks? Now you can place an ad on your blog to your Squidoo site and vice versa. This will help in your ranking on both sites. You want your sites to rank higher and higher with google, yahoo, bing etc so people will find you with more ease. More visitors, more clicks on your sites and more opportunity for someone to make a purchase. Best thing to do is goto: www.squidoo.com and look around. See what people are writing about and find out what catagories you are interested in. Create your own site Here is a video that can help you get started There are other ways to make money with Squidoo and that you will discover when you resear...
To share information on making money online with or without a budget by using a blog site or website and all the tools available from the internet!