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Showing posts from 2010


Squidoo is an online arena for people like you and I who want to establish another way to market are selves. I would say it is a combination of a blog and a website mixed together. It is free to join and maintain. You can make money with Squidoo by adding links to your other opportunities.  Remember backlinks? Now you can place an ad on your blog to your Squidoo site and vice versa. This will help in your ranking on both sites.  You want your sites to rank higher and higher with google, yahoo, bing etc so people will find you with more ease.  More visitors, more clicks on your sites and more opportunity for someone to make a purchase. Best thing to do is goto: and look around. See what people are writing about and find out what catagories you are interested in.  Create your own site Here is a video that can help you get started There are other ways to make money with Squidoo and that you will discover when you resear...


Here is a book on Backlink you might be interested in. Backlink Guru : The Official Webmaster's Guide To Unlimited Backlinks! This might help you if you are trying to get into the Kindle Video Book

Twitter, Myspace, Facebook

Quick get yourself a Twitter account and Facebook account.  At this point myspace is not that critical unless you are a musician/artist/actor. Twitter, as you know is a way to communicate with others instantly.  Create an account at  Spend time each day visiting other twitter sites and request to be added to their page and in turn they will  more than likely return the favor.  This will build your popularity with Twitter.  Try to connect with others who have similar interest as yourself.   In addition you will spend time on twitter; twittering about your blog, your opportunities, and other revelent content.  The point is to help build your brand and expand your presence on the internet.  Facebook was currently said to have enough members to equal a small country.  Make it a point of going to and set up a profile.  Continue to build your brand and make your presense known.  Remember, when you ve...

Newly Created Blog

Hopefully, you have created your blog.  You have to think about multiple things at this point. First, you already must know - the theme of your blog.  Why it was created.  I know you are saying dah to make money.  Yes, that is the goal but there is the in-between-part.  You have begin creating content that your reader wants and needs to hear.  So focus on a series of topics; your theme.  Maybe you want to be general or maybe you want to be specific.  If you are blogging about network marketing there are many streets to travel.  You might focus on reviewing different network marketing companies, maybe requesting your readers to send in there successes or failures.  Have a new review each week so people will subscribe to your updates.  Another idea would be to write about the different ways to generate leads for a network marketer. There is no end to the subject. Type in network marketing on google. Next, you should ad more thin...

How To Set Up Your Blog!

Below I have a video and some links to videos that will help you actually create a nice blog.   Take some time now and familiarize yourself with how to create a blog. Watch This Video on getting started. Now, if you are not webmaster savoy and know little about html, the next series of videos will get you a working blog. HOW TO AD A BACKGROUND TO YOUR BLOG AD A NEW BACKGROUND TO YOUR BLOG By all means type into your favorite search engine, free blog backgrounds .  You will have many sites and choices. Save some of your favorite sites on your desktop or favorites. GET RID OF TOP NAVIGATION BAR - This is the blue bar at the top of your blog.  It is of course optional to get rid of this but, if you notice someone can click on next and be taken...

Starting your Business (With A Blog)

You should be motivated at this point to actually start something. You have decided to submerge yourself into some information from a book or a guru or somewhere and hopefully you have your game face on. Begin with: Finding out what business you are in! Are you a network marketer! Affiliate junky! Services or Product person! For the beginner I suggest focus on one area, master it, then create new interests or sites. Let us the example of a network marketer.  I am a networker, so we can use me.  I have a networking business that I want to make money residual income from - lots of it. My network marketing company already has a website for me.  I send people to my self replicated site and they get some information and they can either call me for more info or - some sites have an auto responder attached to it.  (Auto responder: is a box for you to enter your name, number, email.) Then I can contact the potential client or independent consultants when I am read...

Internet Gurus

Hopefully you watched the 20min video in the previous blog.  Maybe someone even went to and checked into ordering the whole thing.  So I will just continue for the people who are ready to learn more. If you have a traditional business there is something for you here as well but the majority of the focus will be about online marketing and making money from the Internet. As you know the Internet has grown by leaps and bounds.   Perhaps you have been checking out different options on the Internet and the secret on how to succeed seems to elude you. I will lift the veil for you, but you will have to do your part - learning how to make money is more than me telling you to do step 1-5 and boom your rich.  You will have to participate in the activity.  Focus and take some time and interest in your own success. There are Internet Gurus out there who have ongoing training, videos and webinars that are a perfect fit for some.  There are also som...

The Secret

I would like to continue with: A little more discussion on why you have gone down the path of needing or wanting to make money. The answer could be as simple as you need to seriously make money.  Simple as that is not everyone is ready for the journey but would love the results. Check out this video. Order the whole thing on Amazon or take a drive to your local major bookstore I thought it was important for you to get a taste of the concept of attracting positive things. There is no room for negative energy when it comes to making money . You have to focus, you have to be positive about what you are doing and never quit. People who quit never success. Never! Live Long and Prosper

Lets Get Started

Thank you for visiting my site. My intentions are to help people learn step-by-step, different methods used to start a business. Free methods, on a shoe-string/budget and with finances. I will make it as simple as possible so if you are already kind of hip to the basics, please be patient. I want a 12yr old to understand. I believe a problem that exist when it comes to marketing online is 3 fold. 1. People just don't know where to start. 2. They don't know what to market/sell or what to get involved in. 3. Once that is figured out which method should be used. I will answer the third now. Your strategy is a combination of your final business choice and your budget. The latter being more important. I can't tell you how many times people contact me, just to be disappointed because they find out they will have to invest something. Investing in your business is a way of life. There is a balance of time and money. Lets say you have no money, I mean not a dime. T...