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Starting your Business (With A Blog)

You should be motivated at this point to actually start something. You have decided to submerge yourself into some information from a book or a guru or somewhere and hopefully you have your game face on.

Begin with:

Finding out what business you are in!
Are you a network marketer!
Affiliate junky!
Services or Product person!

For the beginner I suggest focus on one area, master it, then create new interests or sites.
Let us the example of a network marketer.  I am a networker, so we can use me.  I have a networking business that I want to make money residual income from - lots of it.
My network marketing company already has a website for me.  I send people to my self replicated site and they get some information and they can either call me for more info or - some sites have an auto responder attached to it.  (Auto responder: is a box for you to enter your name, number, email.) Then I can contact the potential client or independent consultants when I am ready. That's great but......

1. How do I get people to go to that site?

2. What if they did check out my business and they are not interested - what happens?
          - Right they go away, never to be seen again.

So lets create something that will supplement and complement my business.
Sitting down with a paper and pen I jot down - my ideas on what I will create around my blog.  I have to have content - (relevant information to share with others).  I have some options - I can focus my discussions on what the business means to me and how it is benefiting me (make it personal). I can also, share with others what is working for my business and what is not working.  In addition, I can share some tips that I have uncovered along the way - this might require me to do some research at some point.  Really, at this point I am not just selling people on how great My opportunity is, but I have become a knowledge base for my readers.  Helping others and I feel good about it and so will you.!

Next blog will be about building your blog - step by step, what it will look it - what will be about.
Also, more or what supplement and compliment mean.


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