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Showing posts from 2011

PROFIT MIRACLE-Work at home Auto Profit Machine

TO WORK ONLINE --------------------------------------------------- Even if you are now gainfully employed, it is still better to plan another source of income. Take a look at your computer? Are you aware that this simple and ordinary gadget where you play computer game or find friends in the Facebook is like the genie in Aladdin's lamp? Your internet can be your gateway to a good source of income. It paints a bleak picture of what will happen to your means of livelihood in the near future. With the ongoing recession, you lost the comfort zone feeling which you always maintain in relation to your job. Today, people talk a lot about the global crisis and its adverse effects in your economic life. By working online, you can benefit in many ways. WHAT DOES WORKING ONLINE MEAN? --------------------------------------------------- To work online, you are have to have a your computer and a internet connection. Your only requirements for working at home is being computer-literate, having a ...

Making Money at Home is Now Simple!

Making Money at Home is Now Simple! This information is brought to by: The 1-2-3 Power System is straightforward. In brief, you push your business, create traffic to your internet site or calls to your business voicemail mail, and turn those leads in to sales. Having a look at the idea, it works just like every other business with some sophisticated differences. One unique difference is the product itself. It is one of the most complete selling manifestos I have ever read. I have been promoting online for more than a year and this manual had many resources and strategies I'd never heard of or learned about. One stunning fact is the system was marketed successfully for the last three years OFFLINE. No internet sites and auto-responders. Just email and fax blasting, postcard marketing, and mailed letters. And now that it's online, it is very completely open for opportunity. Another engaging point is the indisputable fact that you may use what ...

Cash Gifting!

Its 2011 and cash gifting is alive and well.  I know what you maybe thinking.  I have already heard it. That cash gifting is a scam, its a ponzi scheme, its a pyramid.  Listen close! Just about anything can be a scam.  Starting with a car you buy from a lot, to the person coming to your door saying its cable company, to the tickets we get for parking in the wrong place.  How does a ticket that cost $50 turn into $350 when you forget to pay it.  PEOPLE WAKE UP! What you have to do is your due dilegence.  If you going to join an opportunity and want to feel "Safe" check it out then decide.  Don't make a sweeping assumption about it.  The Peoples Program  It is a one of a kind hybrate cash gifting program with a residual income element tied to it.  That not only allows for you continue to bring in money, but makes you conscience about the people you are inviting in.  My blog disclaimer: 'My blog is mainly about how to make ...


I was on yahoo today and I just decided to click on this picture link regarding unemployment. As I write this  I am just filled with sadness in regards to the people who are suffering.  I mean really suffering. I complain about all kinds of things, which may be normal.  But what do I have to complain about. I am not employed either, but I chose to build a business on my own without someone giving me something.  Hard decision to make but I had to make it and it has served me for the last 10yrs. Now with that said, I read those stories about someone mixing oatmeal with all their meals so they can extend their food options. A guy who thought about killing himself (he lost his 6figure a yr job)  and he is just paralized with grief and fear, so he stares out the window, stares at his computer, and has no social life to speak of. Statements I copied from the article: "I hide my emotions, but deep down I feel I am dying off" "I am scared to death...


This is an actual letter from AMAZON.COM to all California associates Title:  Notice of Contract Termination Due to Potential New California Law Hello, For well over a decade, the Amazon Associates Program has worked with thousands of California residents. Unfortunately, a potential new law that may be signed by Governor Brown compels us to terminate this program for California-based participants. It specifically imposes the collection of taxes from consumers on sales by online retailers - including but not limited to those referred by California-based marketing affiliates like you - even if those retailers have no physical presence in the state. We oppose this bill because it is unconstitutional and counterproductive. It is supported by big-box retailers, most of which are based outside California, that seek to harm the affiliate advertising programs of their competitors. Similar legislation in other states has led to job and income losses, and little, if any, new tax revenue...

Blogger Pet Peeve

I have just noticed - today I have a pet peeve with or at least other bloggers.  If you have a site and the blogger template navigation bar is still visible on your site you are not serious. I can see if you are a family creating a blog of your families crazy vacations.  It probably would not  matter how your background is coming across or how people are accessing your site. But if you are claiming to have a business of any kind please, I beg of you. Get rid of the blogger Navigation bar It should be a no brainer.  I have already given details on my blog 'Setting up your blog' .  Just click on the lower side bar that says navigation bar; it will take you there.  Stop people from casually drifting away from your blog.  Traffic is too presious! And guess what!  This is for you guys on the first page of Google or Yahoo.  You are giving away customers by not taking care of this as soon...

Review of Google Sniper 2.0

I am announcing my review of Google Sniper 2.0.   I found out today that Google Sniper was reviewed by another top 10 site on Yahoo.   That makes me feel more justified in my review.  I actally purchased Google Sniper 2.0, it is not just me talking from the outside.  This program is jammed packed with information.  I actully did not purchase it for review but to use it myself.  I am constantly looking to increase my knowledge and learn and learn.  There is a detailed written manuel to download and that is accompanied by video tutorials.  He has an option for those people who need the hold your hand method .  I have learned things I did not know, like how to quickly choose an affiliate program that I can promote.  The best thing about this is you actually could use your own product that you already have.  Say you have a dog training business.  You can still use his program to benefit you. Take the time to give it a onc...

Why Blog?

I think we all blog for different reasons.  Some blog to share information about their journey, whether its business or personal.  Others blog to get people to focus on their business and products.  I am listening to this webinar right now and the speaker is explaining that blogging should be about helping people first and foremost.  And by helping others solve their problems and needs is the most promising way to help yourself build your business.  Remember you do not have to be an expert, you just need the will and passion to continue and show that you are putting yourself out there.  It will require some effort on your part.  There are no free rides, unless you have a rich uncle and they died and they left you a lot of money.  Or the lottery.  We all play but only a small percentage of us will win.  Building a business requires some discipline and dedication.  I am guilty of waning, I go off and focus on other things, well ot...

Summer is Coming

Summer is coming, its here right. Infinity Downline is still a great program.  I am a busy bee. What I have not been doing is blogging, but money is coming in. Dont be afraid to check it out.  It wont cost you anything too 1. View the site. 2. Sign up. Once you have signed up you have an option to opt into the program at a cost of $25.  That's the price of a movie for 2.  What are you guys waiting for, this type of residual income is the best way to go hands down. It does not require special skills, no real learning curve.  It does not take a long time  to promote.  Thank goodness, my blog is just here for information. I have a few marketing plans that I have rolled out to introduce people to the program.  We are in a funny type of economy right now.  Its time for the viewing public to reach out and start generating income.  There are people out there who are need of this type of program to off...

Infinity Downline Program

Infinity Downline is a great work at home program that I am involved in.   What I like about it is this.  Low costs to start of $25 and only $25 subscription rate per month.  It is affordable even if you have to limit your visits to starbucks.  It is free to register.  That will give the opportunity to see whats inside the program. There is a 2 up system built into the program.  The first person you enroll in the program sends you $25 and that has you breaking even.  Then the 2nd and 4th enrollee gets rolled up to your sponsor.  So you get the 1st enrollee and the 3rd enrollee and every single enrollee after that.  What this does is it creates consistent monthly residual income into your paypal account (or alertpay etc).  If every new subscriber has to send their 2nd and 4th person to you this will be additional income for you. Watch this video This video get...